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HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus which attacks the body's immune system. Currently there is no cure and once someone is infected they will have it for life. There are a number of symptoms one might experience, however it is best to get tested.


HIV is transmitted by contact with body fluids, including semen and blood. HIV can be spread if these fluids come in contact with an open wound, mucous membrane, or damaged tissue. HIV cannot spread through sweat, saliva, or urine.

The safest way to prevent getting any STI is abstinence, however, if that is not an option, then you can lower your risk by wearing a condom and not sharing any type of needles with other people. There are also some medications which one could take if prescribed.


HIV cannot be cured, so once someone has been infected, they will have the virus for life. You can get the virus under control, and the CDC says that if you are able to lower your HIV to an undetectable viral load, you will not transmit HIV to your partner.

Your healthcare provider will most likely prescribe metronidazole, however, they might also prescribe tinidazole. Women are usually prescribed metronidazole for seven days, and men are prescribed a single dose of the same medication.

Unless both you and your partner are treated, you will pass it back and forth. Having intercourse within one week after treatment may be too soon and increase the risk of reinfection. You should return to your healthcare provider 3 months later to ensure you do not have the infection anymore.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and is the disease caused by the damage that HIV does to your bodies. People diagnosed with AIDS have significantly weakened immune systems and are at an increased risk to become infected with severe illnesses and opportunistic infections.


AIDS is considered the most severe stage of HIV after the virus has damaged their immune system. People receive an AIDS when they develop certian opportunistic infections or when their CD4 cell count drops below 200 cells per milliter of blood, according to the CDC.

Read more: What is an opportunistic infection?

The safest way to prevent AIDS is to not get HIV in the first place by practicing abstinence. If one is diagnosed with HIV, the best way to prevent it from extending to AIDS is to get treatment from your doctor and to follow that treatment properly. HIV will not grow to become AIDS under proper treatment.


AIDS also cannot be cured, however there are a number of medications which can help fight both AIDS and HIV. There is a very wide variety of AIDS medications, so you should contact your doctor to see which one will be best for you. Side effects are also present in all medications, so make sure you are transparent and honest with your doctor to avoid any more problems. Some medications include:

Each of these medications work in different ways, so contact your healthcare provider to learn what will be best for you.


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are related but are not the same. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, while AIDS is a collection of symptoms and illnesses that occur when the immune system is severely damaged by HIV.

Here are some key differences between HIV and AIDS:

In summary, HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, while AIDS is a collection of symptoms that occur when the immune system has been severely damaged by HIV.